So, you wish to be a successful writer? Then apply yourself to learning the craft.
- Read extensively books on writing
- Read extensively books on publishing
- Read Self-editing For Fiction Writers by Renni Browne & Dave King
- Humbly learn from any published writer who is willing to share their knowledge and experience with you
- Research the benefits of traditional publishing and self-publishing
- Read Dan Poynter’s Self-Publishing Guide (even if you go the traditional route)
- Establish your web presence at your own domain, which gives you brand recognition and control
Bring Your Writing To The Next Level!
You have finished your manuscript, and you dream of sending it to a literary agent or to a publisher. You know that they will exclaim for joy when they read your masterpiece, right?
Perhaps, but it is unlikely.
Let me share with you the steps to publication that can lead to your success:
Success in Publication
The popular path to publication is the query letter process, but I advocate “putting your face behind the request.”
Imagine that you are the editor/agent with five hundred query letters on his/her desk. How picky would you be? The truth is that the vast majority of query letters are rejected.
I tried the query process with little success, but I had sales experience. So I researched the writing craft, editing, and traditional vs. self-publishing.
Writers need mentoring to become authors, but those mentors are hard to come by.
I’m here to help you polish your writing, your manuscript, so that it is at its best before you approach an editor or agent.
You need your work, and you, to stand out from the crowd.
Beginning the Journey
You will need professional criticism and mentoring. One option open to you is to hire someone like me to go through your manuscript and give specific feedback. Here are the options I offer:
I will evaluate your full manuscript (up to 100,000-words) based on plot, characterization, and the structure of your writing.
You will receive from me around 20 pages detailing strengths and weaknesses, along with examples and suggestions for improvement.
Cost: $300 (50% up front, 50% on completion)
Requirements: Manuscript up to 100,000-words, MS Word file, and double-spaced.
Comprehensive edits, line-by-line, including grammatical errors.
Also, an analysis of the manuscript’s plot and characterization.
Cost: $3 per page
Requirements: Manuscript must be submitted as MS Word file, double-spaced, with 1.5-inch margins.
- Over a decade of professional experience in the Book Publishing Industry
- 3-years as editor at Double-Edged Publishing for their magazines The Sword Review and Mindflights
- Edited the 2010 Children’s Moonbeam Awards winner Kestrel’s Midnight Song
- My short fiction works have appeared in multiple magazines and several of my novels have been published under traditional publishing houses
Dear Mr. Appleton,
I think that your books are amazing because they are well written, creative and suspenseful. Thank you for writing books that are interesting to me and that my mother is okay with me reading!
-Jonathon Kane, 11 yrs. old
Thank you, Jonathon! I am pleased to hear that. Which of my books have you read so far?
Dear Appleton,
I feel great meeting you and I thank God for the opportunity. I am an amateur writer living in Nigeria, though I have no publish title yet, but I have written some books in the area of inspirational writing. I need an experienced Christian mentor and I am glad to find out that you could help along this line. I have not read any of your works anyway, but from what I have seen from your articles, I do believed you possessed some of the qualities, which would help me find my feet in my writing career.
I thank you for crediting your success to God, and not your personal efforts, or being a self – made writer. I am almost true with my new title, and I would be so delighted to have your breath your experience and wisdom on the work. Please, I would like to be one of your mentee.
Fred Adedji
Hi Fred,
Nice to meet you! From what you have said, I would recommend that we start off with an Editorial Review of the title you are currently writing. This way I can give you an evaluation of the overall structure of your book, as well as the strengths and weaknesses that I see in your prose.
When your manuscript is ready please follow the guidelines that I laid out on this page for formatting and submitting the work to me.
Let me know of any questions you have.
Dear Appleton,
I am full of delight to read your reply to my mail. Thank you so much!
I will be true with the stuff very soon. And I would like to inform you that the work is more of motivational and inspirational stuff. And I don’t know if you would be ready to assist me in this area?
Hope to hear from you.
Fred Adedeji