Would you like to give your reaction to a new book cover? My best book ideas have not developed overnight, but over several years. The Sword of the Dragon series was one example, but I have been developing another story world that is equally epic! Ironwing will be the first novel in my steampunk fantasy series.
Here is the cover reveal! What do you think of it? ….As a bonus, here is the story premise:
Industron is a city ostensibly at peace. A few hundred years ago, the High Marshal led humanity in a war to eradicate the last dragons. He used dragons of metal and gears to kill the dragons of flesh and bone, then returned victorious to build Industron into a modern marvel. But the High Marshal has been reclusive of late, and his ministers spread rumors that he has grown insane. His inexplicably long lifespan, and the wealth he has amassed, inspires jealousy among the marshals of other distant cities. His enemies multiply amid his silence, yet some of their bodies are found hung from the high walls of their cities. Is the High Marshal behind the killings, or is someone else manipulating the cities into war?
I’m glad you like it! I’m sorry it took this long for me to respond to your comment… I do not know how I missed it. There’s a chance I may revisit this cover design and do an original art piece instead, along the lines of the fantasy art I get for The Sword of the Dragon series. What is your opinion on this? Do you think an epic fantasy art piece would be more interesting, or is this cover the be-all end-all for you? 😊