It seems that many of us settle for things in life. Even when we have a clear idea of what we like to do, what we love to do, and know why we want to do it.
My dream has been to get back to full-time writing. It’s a challenge because the initial income is less than ideal and the focus required means that I must be willing to sacrifice in order to make that happen. I must be willing to move to a part of the country where I can afford to comfortably support my family on a writing income and that means moving away from family and friends. Uproot in order to plant my family where we can be used by the Lord in a far more effective way.
So many things can pull us away from and even make us sacrifice our God-given dreams. Do you want to be an author? A pastor, a missionary, an artist, a musician? It is going to require sacrifice and mental drive, a drive to succeed in spite of the messages to the contrary from the voices inside ourselves.
Here are three reasons we need to follow our dreams:
- To remove ourselves from our comfort zones so that we can grow in deep and meaningful ways
- To find greater fulfillment in life by doing the thing we are passionate about
- And, perhaps most importantly, to better the world with the gifts that God has given us
Question: What obstacles stand in the way of you achieving your dreams?
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