You’ve heard me talk about this book before, so I won’t go over all the details again. But you need to check out The Sea Lord Francis Drake now available in Paperback and on Kindle from Flaming Pen Press! Fact is often stranger than fiction, so goes the saying….
I must agree, because factual tales are the inspiration behind all of my fictional endeavors. The Sea Lord Francis Drake was one of my favorite books that I read as a teenager, but because the publisher and the author let its copyright expire this book has been all but lost to the public. It has been my joy to apply minor edits to this book, restore the old illustrations, and get a snazzy entirely new cover designed as well, for this, one of my favorite reads. To read more about this book and its unique features please refer to the Flaming Pen Press blog.
Paperback is $14.99 and Kindle edition is $2.99
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