This has been a crazy busy couple of months for my family and I! We sold our house and are in the middle of buying another one. Our house is not topsy-turvy, but I’ve been doing a lot of moving and preparation work. In the midst of all that I have made excellent progress on the second book for re-release in my primary fantasy series. Dragon Offspring (The Sword Of The Dragon book 2).
Originally I planned to just give the original edition a polish and quickly re-publish it. Dragon Offspring will now release in an Extended Edition like I have done with Swords Of The Six! The story made a couple of time-jumps in its original published form. The jumps did not originally bother me too much, but they were in part a result of the traditional publishing process. The publisher had asked, for the sake of production costs, that I keep it under 120,000-words, which is exactly where the word count ended up.
Now that I have full creative control again, I have decided to flesh out the story as it originally could’ve been. I must say I am very pleased with the results. This expansion is deepening the interactions of Ilfedo, the Warrioresses, and Ombre. Instead of an author narrative it now has scenes so that you can picture the events as they play out.
In my new house I will have a dedicated writing office. Something I have dreamed of for a long time! A spot that I can surround myself with everything that lends to my creative flow. Also, I will be able to set up my audio recording equipment and start fiddling more with that. I have so many projects to do and such limited time to do it each week, but if I chip away at it the work will all get done.
I wanted to give you guys and gals an update on my planned projects, so here goes:
The Sword Of The Dragon series: After I publish the Extended Edition of Dragon Offspring, hopefully in time for Christmas, then I will start polishing Key Of Living Fire. Followed immediately by The Phantom’s Blade. Finally with all of those books re-published, I will delve into finishing the next book, the one that everybody has been clamoring for for the last five years. “In Search Of Dragons” will pick up where TPB left off.
Neverqueen audiobook. I really want to produce audio versions of each novel, but the production costs are prohibitive at this time. If I can manage to record and produce it myself in a professional manner then that will greatly expedite the process.
Besides these fantasy projects I will get back to writing my YA sci-fi series Star Train.
Q: Feel free to offer feedback or your hopes for what comes next!
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