Last month I found a Bus RV conversion online. It met all the criteria in what I was looking to get to put my family on-the-road again. I committed to going down to Oklahoma and checking out the bus and then buying it. My plane ticket was purchased but…
Sometimes God closes doors for reasons that we never know, and sometimes we find out why he does later on.
My wife and I have an exciting announcement: we are having another baby Summer 2015. I am so excited to become a father again!
Prompted by this realization I went back over our finances and factored in setting aside the money for the baby, as well as the payment for the bus. There is also another factor that God wants me to stay open to but right now I cannot divulge. Unfortunately the financial figures for buying the bus just didn’t add up. (To my shame, because I should have factored the possibility of another baby in). I am convinced that God will be able to use us more effectively if we are debt-free, so I am trying hard to stick to that.
The pastor who owns the RV Bus was very gracious in his response when I called to let him know I had to back out from purchasing it. But calling him to say I was backing out was the most difficult decision I made this year. Please pray that God brings along the right buyer for his bus as it would be a tremendous blessing to his family.
Congrats on the new baby! Seems like 2015 is going to be a great year for everyone :D. Hopefully God will provide another opportunity for your family to go mobile again. I’ll keep praying for you, your family, and the new baby!
Thanks KT! I do appreciate it.