Today I finished writing a story which I’ve been meaning to do for a few years. It’s titled The Swordmaster’s Glory (The Sword of the Dragon origins) and will be published next month. It’s an exclusive release to all email list subscribers. Currently, I have several artists competing for the cover design and I have a few promising contenders. You can expect to see the cover revealed next week!
The Soul of Story audiobook- free peek
The Soul of Story has taken off incredibly well. Not since the release of my first novel has one of my books resonated so quickly with readers. Seeing this, I have decided to produce the audiobook version as well… And here is a free sample for your listening pleasure!

Shards in Belial map preview!
For my upcoming epic fantasy novel Shards in Belial (The Sword of the Dragon origins), here is a map I completed for it today. Enjoy!

I feel that this turned out quite superior to my other maps. And, because I like the look, I’m considering doing all the others to match. But I would like your opinions on that, so please leave feedback!
The Soul of Story paperback available!
The paperback is now available at this link! I pray this book is a blessing to you.
Learn to write fiction from a Christian perspective that impacts future generations.
Writers, there has been a void where this book should have been. Many books have been written on the mechanics of writing effective fiction, but story is more than its structure. Christian writers need not appeal to culture for its approval of what they write. Rather, they can guide readers through stories that encourage them to become the heroes and heroines that we need.

People need to be inspired, convicted, and encouraged by your stories… and The Soul of Story teaches you to do that fearlessly!
The Soul of Story kindle available now!
The Soul of Story published on Kindle earlier than expected, and is now available! Paperback coming very soon! Follow this link to check it out.

What the Boba Fett series is getting right!
If you have not watched Disney’s new series on Boba Fett, you really should. This is the way that storytelling should work.

The old saying is “Simpler is better,” and oh my is that true. I saw an article recently that was criticizing this new show and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was because they were not getting political points for including unnecessary material. Because this story is simple, fun, and memorable. Not only that but it respects the Star Wars cannon. You can literally go through the first couple of episodes, which are all that are available right now, and you can pick out pieces of Star Wars lore that help tie that universe together.
If you have never watched the deleted scenes from the original Star Wars movie A New Hope, then go ahead and watch those! The Book of Boba Fett series borrowed a couple of those characters, which gives them beautiful continuity in that story world. This is the kind of thing that I love to see. When you take a storyworld and you continue it’s lore by respecting it’s traditions and characters, you enrich it.
Perhaps I noticed this more because I am working on two novels for my series. Not one. These books are adding to the story world and increasing its lore while respecting what has already been created. It’s so much fun to give cameo appearances by characters that readers are already familiar with and love. Or even to do cameos of characters that people hate. It’s all world building and it all enriches the story.
Q: Have you watched The Book of Boba Fett yet?
Book release! and I’m also Writing one on “The Art of The Book Signing”
The Soul of Story is finished and will publish February of this year! Also, I’m at the beginning stages writing another non-fiction titled The Art of the Book Signing. Here’s a little more info:
Coming this February THE SOUL OF STORY: A Christian Perspective on Writing Fiction that Endures for Generations
Learn to write fiction from a Christian perspective that impacts future generations.
Writers, there has been a void where this book should have been. Many books have been written on the mechanics of writing effective fiction, but story is more than its structure. Christian writers need not appeal to culture for its approval of what they write. Rather, they can guide readers through stories that encourage them to become the heroes and heroines that we need.
People need to be inspired, convicted, and encouraged by your stories… and The Soul of Story teaches you to do that fearlessly!
Paperback 160 pages $8.99
Kindle edition $2.99
Audiobook (coming soon)

The Soul of Story launches a lineup of non-fiction books that I have been planning for the past decade. It deals with the spiritual ramifications of writing fiction. But the next non-fiction book will jump to practical wisdom for authors who want to sell more books:
The Art of the Book Signing comes next. Here’s a tease:
Are you frustrated that you only sold six books the last time you had a signing event? When you left the bookstore, did you leave twenty unsold copies that they will return to the distributor? If you want to build a following by selling more copies of your book to more readers, then this book is for you. I am uniquely positioned to help you because I am both an author and a successful salesman. You know what else? I hate selling! But I’ve developed a process that works because I love writing and want to get my books out to as many readers as possible.
“Authors don’t know how to sell their books. Period.” At hundreds of bookstores across the United States I heard the same complaint from numerous managers and event coordinators. What if you could go into bookstores and schools and hand-sell thousands of books? What if you could sell out the bookstores’ inventory of your books 90% of the time you hold a book signing event?
You can do it. You just need to exercise best practices.
Q: Which of these books interest you? Is there a different non-fiction subject that you would like to see me to address? Are you looking forward to my next two fantasy novels (“In Search of Dragons” and “Neverqueen 3”)?
The Soul Of Story final cover reveal!
Have you ever wanted some writing encouragement to write the stories that matter to you, and not the ones that most publishers think will sell? Do you want to write from the heart? It’s been a common request from fans, and I’ve been wanting to write a book like this for years now, and it’s finally coming to fruition! The Soul Of Story will release February 2022… Here’s the final cover:

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