It’s April 1st, folks! This week I have been sick… I know that sounds bad, but actually being stuck at home has been kind of nice. For the first time in a couple of months I am free to focus on writing and publishing. Foremost on my agenda are two projects: the new novel In Search of Dragons (The Sword of the Dragons series book 5), and fixing the audiobook files for Swords of the Six.
In Search of Dragons is coming along very nicely, with a couple of plot points that have really surprised me. I’m still a mostly seat-of-the-pants writer, not an outliner, so things do happen that I do not anticipate. Currently it stands at 75,000-words and I anticipate it finishing around 160,000-words. Yes, I do expect this will be the longest novel yet in The Sword of the Dragon series, and not due to wordiness. It’s chock-full of events that keep you on the edge-of-your-seat, and a heart that will have you worried for your favorite heroes and heroines. I still anticipate publishing this in print and on Kindle by Fall 2021.
Back in December I was excited to release my first-ever audiobook, this one for Swords of the Six (The Sword of the Dragon series book 1). However, as first projects often go, there were unexpected challenges that set it back. Audible found some problems with the audiobook files, and my kids alerted me to a couple of errors. As a result, I yanked the production from distribution and set it aside until I could go through and fine-tune it. I’m pleased to say that I will finish those files this week. Once done, I will re-submit the audiobook to the distributors. I have never recorded, much less produced, an audiobook before. But the end result is something I am proud of and know you will enjoy. The distributors dictate when an audiobook is released and Audible (in particular) has quite the backlog. I wouldn’t expect this to release until late-Spring/early-Summer 2021.
God bless, everyone! I’ll try to keep you in the loop as things progress. It’s going to be a great year for writing.

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