It’s here! At last the extended edition of Swords of the Six is up on Amazon, and priced at just $2.99 as an easy intro to The Sword of the Dragon series. Purchase link for Swords of the Six extended edition.

A warrior from the distant past is brought back to protect the daughter of the dragon prophet.
In a time when wizards are growing in power, a fabled warrior will return to bring about their downfall by protecting an innocent child.
The world of Subterran has been torn apart by the war of the Trantureen, a trio of deadly wizards who arrived out of nowhere. Only the prophets can guide the world back into a lasting peace.
The dragon’s life is in his blood. In a world torn apart by betrayal, Xavion is tasked with protecting what is most precious to the prophets: the human daughters of a dragon.
With the life of the dragon flowing in her veins, Dantress holds the future of mankind in her womb. But for a daughter of the dragon to fall in love and give birth to a living child, she must be willing to give up her own life.
The world’s fate hinges on Xavion’s steady loyalty to the prophets and Dantress’s love for an unborn, innocent life.
AT the beginning of the book what started the war that seemed to have let humanity weaken and nearly overwhelmed and where did the ones who start the war come from, cause I been wondering what caused the war years before started. Will it be covered in another book?
The newly released edition of Swords of the Six does explain more about that, and Neverqueen (book 1) also talks about that war. Have you read Neverqueen?
I want to get it I have never had the chance to get it, I do own the non edited version of the first three sword of the six books.