Announcement: The Sword of the Dragon series rebrand!

For over a decade now I have been writing and publishing fantasy novels and what a rewarding thing it is! My first novel was originally self-published, then sold to a traditional publishing company. This change carried with it some positives and some unforeseen negatives. By releasing my rights to AMG Publishers I lost marketing control and, starting a few years ago, that company suffered some setbacks and my first three novels have hung in limbo ever since. The result? My writing career took a big stumble that was beyond my power to fix. But the good news is: all of that turned around this week!

I have often said that I think the biggest mistake I made in my writer career was to sell my first novel to a big publisher. But I was young and flattered by the recognition, and eager to let others shoulder some of the burden of marketing and selling my work. At the time of the sale to AMG my first novel, Swords of the Six, was rocketing to success. My wife and I were full-time on the road and I was selling to bookstores and schools in several states. The momentum was building just as I’d hoped it would. But when I signed the contract I had to stop production on my first novel (until the publisher could re-release it). I had to get off of the road and settle into a regular job while waiting for the book to be published again.

This week I have acquired the rights to my first three novels from AMG and I am so excited for what this means! Total creative control is now back in my hands and I can market and sell the books wherever the opportunity presents itself.

Swords of the Six, Offspring, and Key of Living Fire will be published with new designs and the stories themselves will receive fresh edits! Each sequential book in the series will be published with the new design as well.

Swords of the Six (special edition)

The e-book editions were overpriced through the other publisher. With Flaming Pen Press we will grow the digital reader audience and drop the price to a competitive level. This is a market that I feel my books have largely ignored and in which I see a lot of opportunity.

Print editions will now include both a paperback and a hardcover option. I love a nice hardcover edition! Which I know many of you collectors out there will appreciate.

Audiobooks will come last. I know I have been promising audiobooks for a couple of years now, and tying the new design to e-book, paperback, hardcover, and audiobook will make everything easier to find in search engines and sites.

When AMG published my second novel their buyers objected to the cover art that I had commissioned for it. It was absolutely stunning. A depiction of Oganna kneeling in the cave when she lifts her sword Avenger and her blade boomerang out of the stone floor. Now, at last, I can release the Offspring cover as I wanted you to see it with that artwork! Offspring will also be retitled Dragon Offspring. A subtle but important title change.

Over the next couple of months I will start releasing these new editions, beginning with Swords of the Six. For you, my readers, this means my novels will become unavailable for a little while. During this transition the new editions of The Sword of the Dragon novels will be designed and prepped for publication. Big things are in store! Let’s bring this epic fantasy journey into fresh territory.

Q: Which part of this change interests you the most? 

The Sea Lord Francis Drake cover reveal!

Coming from Flaming Pen Press February 2018, the epic true story of The Sea Lord Francis Drake.

Fall in love with world history! The snazzy new cover says it all. Prepare for a Young Adult novelization of the life of Sir Francis Drake that does not fictionalize the facts. Originally published back in 1932, this is the first of a slew of old books that I’ve found over the years, which have been lost to contemporary readers. Now, Flaming Pen Press will be releasing these titles into your hands!

Some publishers will take old books like this and scan them, page by page, and release those scanned interiors to their readers. But the text loses its clarity and the general layout ends up feeling forced onto the new pages it is printed on.

Every page of this book has been painstakingly typed out so that a fresh, digital file could be created. The original sketches on the book’s interior have been worked into the book’s fresh interior layout, and artist Benjamin Roque created the stunning new cover.

When I was reading history books as I grew up, I sometimes mixed up the chronological order of historical figures and events. Thus the spine of this book also features the dates Sir Francis Drake’s life spanned. Imagine lining your shelf with great young adult biographies that have the time period stamped on the spine. You can keep them organized chronologically to keep the ordering of events clear in your mind. With each new read, you can place the new title in its proper sequence by chronological date. This has huge advantages for students, parents, and teachers.

The Sea Lord Francis Drake full cover layout