Words beyond the grave

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We all feel lonely at times, even when surrounded by people.

Writing is lonely always, or so it often seems. The horror and the beauty of this is that it makes that time more precious, it feels like being pulled out of reality into a spiritual realm. Suddenly the world of possibility seems not so hard to reach and the hope that burned as a mere ember is a blaze of starlight.

If you feel creative with words or art, then you know of what I speak.

Doesn’t the world seem a limiting place? We hear of limitations. We see restrictions on imagination. But in our imagination the brick walls crumble, giving place to a utopia. Life is all we could ever wish it to be. Every beautiful possibility is ours for the taking . . . because the fear of following those possibilities is in a distant, alien place. A place called the “real world.”

If you feel creative with words or art, then you know of what I speak.

So crumble those walls between your fists. After all, your fists are as powerful as your mind wants them to become. That hero or heroine that you wish to be? You can be them. Limits? Limits are for the undecided, the ever-wary, those whose names will be forgotten in a hundred years.

If you feel creative with words or art, your name can live beyond your life. Your words can be carried from one generation to the next with life-changing, spiritual power.

Q: How do you want your creativity to spread your messages beyond the grave?

Posted by AuthorAppleton

Scott Appleton is the author of the novels The Sword of the Dragon series, and The Neverqueen Saga, which are widely read by adults and younger readers. Besides these, Scott has also published a collection of short speculative fiction (By Sword By Right) which runs the gamut of science-fiction, fantasy, allegory, romance, poetry, and biblical. Driven by a love of storytelling and an appreciation for the craft, Scott has spoken extensively at events across the United States. His specialization in fiction editing and writing has garnered praise from some prominent writers. Scott was born in Connecticut and grew up there. He actively pursued astronomy through his teen years, built ships-in-bottles and, throughout his life, read and wrote extensively. Besides his writing he works in sales. Currently Scott lives in Greenville, South Carolina with his wife, Kelley, and their five children. His activities of choice are reading with his kids, watching fantasy and science-fiction movies, reading, and playing the occasional Star Wars video game. You can find him at AuthorAppleton.com and facebook.com/scottappleton.fans

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2 Replies to “Words beyond the grave”

  1. I want the words that I write to paint the colors of life and joy found in Christ. I want the world to see the that in the midst of darkness, there is hope. I want to show the world the free gift of grace and the offer to walk with their Creator once again.
    I want to use the creativity God has blessed me with to tell stories of heroes people can look up too. These heroes struggle and fall, but because their worldview and identity is anchored in Christ, they are able to stand firm and be valiant in the faith. They are able to overcome the darkness with the strength of the Creator.


  2. Great post!


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