It is a blessing to recognize artistic beauty in all its forms, like the variety of expression. We each can find inspiration in our unique spiritual and life journey.
A spirit of gentle submission to the glory of our created condition. Written words contribute songs, stories, and films.
With Flaming Pen Press there are so many things we can accomplish. I believe in dreaming big. But dreaming doesn’t build reality. Action is necessary to achieve goals.
Hiring people to provide jobs and pool their creativity. I’m starting by outsourcing for help in transcribing the antique books awaiting their inclusion in the Flaming Pen Press library. What an awesome opportunity to be helped and also provide jobs.
It only grows from here.
Managing these endeavors is exciting. It’s taken years for the how behind the vision to become clear. I am done trying to do it all on my own. I cannot. To grow, my business needs me to get out of the way and take opportunity to shift burdens on other gifted individuals.
Setting up the business to free myself to write and direct projects. Fingers in the pie-in-progress, so to speak, yet without disturbing it.
Q: What are your gifts and passions?
My passion is for the world to be impacted for the Kingdom of Christ through storytelling, specifically through film.
Hi Mr. Appleton!
Do you have a time frame for when your 5th Sword of the Dragon book will be out? I can’t wait to read it, and see if any of my theories are right!!
Hi Karissa,
I think you are referring to the next book I have coming out, which is Neverqueen2. I’m almost finished with the first draft so it should be published this Summer/Fall.
After that I will start work on the sequel to The Phantom’s Blade, which is titled In Search of Dragons. Not at all sure when that one will be published yet. There is a lot of material to flesh out in that next phase of Ilfedo and Oganna’s journey.
This is going to sound weird at first, but I like to burn wood.
I don’t just mean burning it in a fire though, I use a magnifying glass to magnify the sun’s rays and burn patterns, words, animals, and all sorts of other stuff.
It’s my favorite summer time activity.
No that is not weird, I do it too. I don’t use a magnifying glass I use a specific tool for it called a woodburner.
When I was a kid I had an old woodburner. Pretty nifty.
I know right, they are one of the best ideas we as humans have ever come up with (ice cream being the best)
So true, that we can bless others with our own creative gifts while giving them the opportunity to express their own creativity. One of my own creative passions is writing for a website that I helped create for a creative writing class ( Another is finding and reading quality christian literature, such as Oracles of Fire, Legends of Karac Tor, The Wingfeather Saga, and your books, among others.
My passion would probably be working outside in Gods creation, especially at night when I can look up at the stars and think, Wow, the God I believe in made those just by the mere thought of it.