The Sea Lord Francis Drake cover reveal!

Coming from Flaming Pen Press February 2018, the epic true story of The Sea Lord Francis Drake.

Fall in love with world history! The snazzy new cover says it all. Prepare for a Young Adult novelization of the life of Sir Francis Drake that does not fictionalize the facts. Originally published back in 1932, this is the first of a slew of old books that I’ve found over the years, which have been lost to contemporary readers. Now, Flaming Pen Press will be releasing these titles into your hands!

Some publishers will take old books like this and scan them, page by page, and release those scanned interiors to their readers. But the text loses its clarity and the general layout ends up feeling forced onto the new pages it is printed on.

Every page of this book has been painstakingly typed out so that a fresh, digital file could be created. The original sketches on the book’s interior have been worked into the book’s fresh interior layout, and artist Benjamin Roque created the stunning new cover.

When I was reading history books as I grew up, I sometimes mixed up the chronological order of historical figures and events. Thus the spine of this book also features the dates Sir Francis Drake’s life spanned. Imagine lining your shelf with great young adult biographies that have the time period stamped on the spine. You can keep them organized chronologically to keep the ordering of events clear in your mind. With each new read, you can place the new title in its proper sequence by chronological date. This has huge advantages for students, parents, and teachers.

The Sea Lord Francis Drake full cover layout

A foreign film showcases great storytelling

The best movies are backed by strong writing but some of the biggest productions have failed in this regard. Recently I discovered a little-known fantasy movie titled I am Dragon that surprised me with its straight-forward story, great acting, top-notch special effects, and satisfying conclusion. A good movie can instruct us on how to become better storytellers by reminding us to ask the right questions and deliver the right message. I am Dragon reminded me of what makes a great story.

Are you tired of movies that rely on action scenes to keep your interest? I am. Though I do appreciate action when it is applied properly, the heart of a story is never the battles, it is the soul of the characters and the arc of mystery, intrigue, or romance that they are following. You could say that the drama is the most important aspect of any good story. It grabs your attention and holds you through to the end because it gives you human elements that you can relate to. You may not understand what it is like to fight in a war, or touch a majestic beast, or be wounded in battle. But you probably do understand what its like to fall for a beautiful woman, or lose one you love, to struggle financially, or to battle physical illness or handicap.

When writing a fantasy story, ask yourself what is at the story’s heart. What elements can people relate to? What parts of the story will they aspire to live out? Everyone wants to be a hero or heroine. We all want to be loved, respected.

Much of the writing that I see in fantasy today is DARK. Dark in its mood, dark in its presentation of humanity’s flaws, dark in its outcome. What happened to HOPE? This is something essential to good storytelling. Imagine if God’s story through the gospel was to send Jesus Christ to Earth only to destroy everyone. Imagine if vanquishing Sauron’s evil in The Lord of the Rings did not return peace to Middle Earth. Picture Star Wars without a new hope, where Vader is never redeemed.

Every story that stands out in my mind has a beautiful end, an end that includes hope and, often, restoration.

I am Dragon is a Russian film production that seems to have received very little attention. The premise is, as some might say, deceivingly simple. Young brides were long offered in sacrifice to dragons until a dragon-slayer arose to free them from the beast’s reign of terror. But the slayer’s grandson uses the dragon-summoning song during his betrothal and the bride is taken by another dragon. What follows is a fantasy tale of legend and romance. This movie has the best dragon that I have ever seen on screen. Though I still love Peter Jackson’s version of Smaug, the dragon in I am Dragon is more relatable in its size and design. The facial expressions it achieves are stupendous!

What makes this movie special is its reliance on a simple story backed by minimal cast and gorgeous scenery. The story opens with dark themes, even dark cinematography. Then a shift takes place and brighter themes and scenery bring elation to the viewer.

As writers, we would do well to study the story in this film.

Q: Do you prefer dark stories, or stories of hope?

Flaming Pen Press‘s newest fantasy book release is also a story of hope. Check out Neverqueen 2.

The wizard wanted a male heir, but when he saw that the boy born to him was malformed he determined to kill him. Born into a life of cruelty, Valor could easily have fallen into his father’s darkness. Instead he set out to undo the wizard’s madness by covering those around him with the Creator’s compassion and light. The prophets are at work in the shadows, bringing forward the Neverqueen as the next prophetess whose reign will bring hope to the people of Paradon, and to her own people by the Eiderveis River. Her mysterious interactions and judgements will settle a caution and a terror in the hearts of the sorcerers and others who ignore her warnings. Unlikely alliances are formed in this story of hope that rises through adverse circumstances.

Neverqueen2 available now in print!

The wizard wanted a male heir, but when he saw that the boy born to him was malformed he determined to kill him. Born into a life of cruelty, Valor could easily have fallen into his father’s darkness. Instead he set out to undo the wizard’s madness by covering those around him with the Creator’s compassion and light. The prophets are at work in the shadows, bringing forward the Neverqueen as the next prophetess whose reign will bring hope to the people of Paradon, and to her own people by the Eiderveis River. Her mysterious interactions and judgements will settle a caution and a terror in the hearts of the sorcerers and others who ignore her warnings. Unlikely alliances are formed in this story of hope that rises through adverse circumstances.

In time for Thanksgiving and Christmas, if you enjoyed Neverqueen then here you have the sequel we’ve been waiting for! In paperback this link and on Kindle this link.

Neverqueen 2 now available on Kindle! & coming in Paperback!

The wizard wanted a male heir, but when he saw that the boy born to him was malformed he determined to kill him.

Finally Neverqueen2 is at your fingertips! Available now on Kindle and I cannot wait for you to get into this story:

Born into a life of cruelty, Valor could easily have fallen into his father’s darkness. Instead he set out to undo the wizard’s madness by covering those around him with the Creator’s compassion and light.

The prophets are at work in the shadows, bringing forward the Neverqueen as the next prophetess whose reign will bring hope to the people of Paradon, and to her own people by the Eiderveis River. Her mysterious interactions and judgements will settle a caution and a terror in the hearts of the sorcerers and others who ignore her warnings.

Neverqueen2 on Kindle

Tomorrow I will be reviewing the first Print proof of Neverqueen2. As long as it checks out well, it will be released immediately in Paperback! Enjoy! Follow this link to find it on Amazon.



Transcribing old books improves writing

We learn best by following in the steps of those who have succeeded before us. We see our greatest improvements when we seek to learn from those who we admire and respect. A recent project (that of transcribing old biographies) has made me realize that this is an awesome tool in the writer’s learning process.

Over the past couple months I have been sitting down with one of my favorite biographies, a young adult focused title published circa 1932. A wonderful piece of writing that I have long admired. As I prepare this title to be published through Flaming Pen Press, each and every sentence is mine to type into a Word document. It seems tedious at times, yet it has served two benefits that are invaluable. First, transcribing the entire biography is helping me retain the content of the book. The story of Sir Francis Drake is being freshly engrained in my mind. And who doesn’t want to better know world history? I certainly do!

Secondly, through typing each and every word, I find my subconscious learning from the author’s entertaining, albeit antiquated, style. The structuring of her sentences, the way she developed her characters, and the genuine, rather than superfluous, feel to the book’s content.

We learn best by following the best examples of our writing craft.

Q: What methods help you improve your writing?

Official release date for Neverqueen2!

You have been impatiently awaiting news on Neverqueen2. That’s understandable; I have not released a new fantasy novel since 2015! I know what you’re thinking, and yes, that’s shameful. I have, now, the official release date for Neverqueen2!

Coming in paperback and on your Kindle reader, Neverqueen2 will be available Friday November 3rd 2017. This book is finally drafted in its entirety, all that remains is to complete the editorial phases.


The wild forests west of the Eiderveis River harbor more mysteries than mankind knew. In the City of Paradon the highwaymen hold unconditional authority and wield it mercilessly. Only one young man, a cripple from birth, can bridge the dark present to the evil past. When finally the Neverqueen arises the Warden will be challenged.

Neverqueen (book 2) The Suffering Chalice will continue the story as begun in Neverqueen (book 1). This series directly relates to the primary series, The Sword of the Dragon, and is targeted to Young Adult and Adult readers.

In preparation for this book’s release I will be making author appearances, this Fall, at schools and other venues primarily in South Carolina. Event schedule will be released when available. If your school or other venue would like to host an event, please contact me via email:

Q: If you would like to help make readers aware of this book’s release, please let me know!

Destructive effects of feminism on fiction

In the worldview of those who agree that God created a natural order of things, we understand that Adam was created first and then Eve. In the world today this is constantly challenged on many levels. From the patriarch Abraham and continuing through the New Testament it was made clear that God’s intention was that a healthy understanding of the place of the man and the place of the woman was key to the success spiritually and relationally. Looking at the move toward stories that are dominated by domineering fictional women, we see a trend and a movement away from the natural order.

This may offend some, and you should feel free to disagree. It is fun to hash out our differences of opinion. But I am a big proponent of understanding things as they were originally intended, not as we culturally want them to be. And our culture is pushing things farther and farther away from how God designed it to work.

Feminism, by definition, is: the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.

I have often heard it argued by other Christians that men and women really are equal. But in order to believe that you have to discredit the tradition as taught by the apostles, that the man is the head of the wife and she is to be obedient to him. You must ignore Levitical law that placed men in preeminence in society and in their households. You must ignore the natural physical dominance of men. And you must discredit the fact that families where the man leads, the wife follows, and the children are in subjection, where the man is trying to lead in the Lord’s will, is the most effective kind of household there is. They are more effective at work, at play, and spiritually more satisfied because they feel secure in the order of authority God placed on the household.

When women seek equality with men (as is being proliferated throughout much of the world today) they remove themselves from their strength zone. Women are naturally more nurturing than men. The most nurturing of men is not nearly so nurturing as the most nurturing of the women. According to scripture they are the weaker vessel. Unfortunately present society instructs us that this is a horrible way to think.

They are spreading lies, and the result is confusion. Spiritual and moral confusion, as well as relational confusion.

How sad that that which is most precious and beautiful is being cast into the mud!

What is beautiful is a woman who is meek, who is a help suitable to her husband. Who is a daughter working diligently and learning under her father’s authority. Who is not independent but is dependent on her male authorities and on God.

It is well said that a man’s sinful tendencies revolve around giving up the authority God wishes him to exercise in his home. It is equally well pointed out that a woman’s sinful inclination is to manipulate that control from the man. To each gender God has given great and unique purpose. And each must beware their weakness.

Fiction writers today, especially those of us who profess Christ, must beware that our writing does not encourage feminism. Through the tale of  a strong heroine do not neglect to demonstrate virtue to the reader. When the heroine is in a position to surmount the man’s authority, let her do so only if his actions are in opposition to God’s. Demonstrate her humility as she puts herself under authority and excels in virtue so that young women will aspire to be more like that heroine. Show a woman that is kind and nurturing, wise and discreet. Make her unlike the modern woman. Show that she thrives on hard work, and show that she loves children.

I truly believe that the corruption of womanhood that we are witnessing in society will be laid bare, exposed for the farce that it is. Rather than freeing women, feminism alienates them from good responsible men and from their God-given strengths.

History shows that societies rise and fall, they change and move on. What never changes is the will of God. He created gender for a reason.

Q: What thoughts do you have on how feminism or the view of the relationships of men and women relate to writing?

Reflecting on the future you

While cleaning and organizing a bunch of stuff recently, I glanced at a couple of manuscripts that I started writing almost ten years ago. What caught my attention was how well the prose flowed. One manuscript in particular brought me back, it is titled The Death Knight Chronicles and I wrote it as a dark follow-up to the primary The Sword of the Dragon series. After years of published writing under my belt I realized how many highs and lows my career has experienced. I’m sure every writer feels the same way.

Do you ever find yourself reflecting on your past accomplishments, much like you do on your past failings? I do. It is unavoidable when the vision for my writing future is to return to that lifestyle of frequent writing, signings, and some speaking engagements.

Sometimes it is only in looking back at our own life that we can grasp a firm hold on our future.

Stories flowing unhindered by multiplied obligations and responsibilities. Time dedicated to pursuing the passion that the soul is eager to set on fire.

But it is in looking back that suddenly my vision for the future is encouraged. Why? Because suddenly I can see an older, more matured and experienced version of that younger, passionate me. I see myself looking around at my growing family, my children pursuing their own passions. Difficult stages of life behind me, lessons learned, greater understanding achieved. It will be a beautiful thing.

And when that future me is turning pen to paper, so to speak, he will have a deeper well of inspiration from which to draw. God will have imparted experience and wisdom that before could not be communicated by written words.

Younger me had failings and successes, and the words poured freely into the stories and articles he pursued. Today’s me is struggling with different things, and growing through greater challenges, being matured as a Christian husband and father.

Nowadays I have a lot to write but not as much time to do it. Wow, future me is going to have a lot to write.

Q: Are you catching the vision for your future self?